
Showing posts from February, 2021

What are the limitations of Dimensional analysis?

Although dimensional analysis is very useful in deducing certain relations among physical quantities, it cannot lead us too far.Thus it has some limitations which are given below: 1.Dimensional analysis works only if the dependence of physical quantities is of the product type.It is not applicable to equations involving addition or subtraction.  2.The numerical constants having no dimensions cannot be deduced by this method.One has to know from somewhere else , the exact value of the constant involved in equation.  3. It does not work for the dimensionless quantities like trigonometric function,logarithmic function,etc. 4.Well! if the equation is dimensionally correct,then it doesn't still tell us whether the equation is exactly correct or not. Hope you have understood your queries!  For joining us on YouTube▶️ Subscribe

Why we can't prove the law of conservation of energy?

A conservation law is a hypothesis, based on observations and experiments. It is important to remember that a conservation law cannot be proved. It can be verified, or disproved, by experiments. An experiment whose result is in conformity with the law verifies or substantiates the law; it does not prove the law. On the other hand, a single experiment whose result goes against the law is enough to disprove it. It would be wrong to ask somebody to prove the law of conservation of energy. This law is an outcome of our experience over several centuries, and it has been found to be valid in all experiments, in mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics, or any other area. Here's the most important thing to read: Some students feel that they can prove the conservation of mechanical energy from a body falling under gravity, by adding the kinetic and potential energies at a point and showing that it turns out to be constant. As pointed out a

Confused about name of p-n junction? ๐Ÿค”

Subscribe to my channel Hey guys this is very important question and confusion one!  Well just hang on! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ In the name, " p-n junction " p stands for positive polarity and n stants for negative polarity. In p-type semiconductor,the intrinsic or pure semiconductor is doped with trivalent impurity and so it has excess of holes(+ve charge) compared to electron, thus it has positive polarity which means positive and hence we call it p-type semiconductor. In n-type semiconductor,the intrinsic semiconductor is doped with pentavalent impurity and so it has excess of electrons compared to the holes, thus it has negative polarity which means negative and hence we call it n-type semiconductor.

Struggle:The success agent

The word struggle actually represents the success agent! But what that means to say? Well! we all have choices,dream,passion and aspirations to do something or to achieve something in our life. If you are student, then you have a dream to become doctor,engineer,banker,leader or any private agent, if you are a business man, then you have a dream to become a richer person than you are right now. If you are a lover, you have a dream to be with your beloved forever,if you are a farmer, then you have a dream to grow your crops more productive so as to gain more and more money and foods for your family! All of those dreams are your goal are choices that everyone want to achieve! Well! your dreams will only come true if you strive,and if you give your full potential to your works and ideas or the principles that you implement to achieve your goal or dream! You have to ignore your pain and love your work,you have to endure physical,emotional and social pressure and hindrances

How to create a free website?

Hey your answer is here! Just read this simple and short article here now!   To create a free website in a very short effort,just search๐Ÿ” blogger on your google and click on the link you see there. Now after visiting that site,fill all the required information and well you are done๐Ÿ˜‡!  That's the easiest and quickest way to create free website from blogger! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ