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science general knowledge 🤠

            Science General Knowledge 1. Does friction oppose motion? Ans: Friction only opposes relative motion. 2.Does earth move around the sun in circular orbit? Ans: Earth orbits around the sun in an elliptical orbit. 3. What is the most important part of the heart❤️?  Ans: Pacemaker. 4. When did Big Bang occur? Ans: About 13.8 billion years ago. 5. What happens in cancer? Ans: Cancer leads to uncontrolled growth of cells. 6. For what discovery was Einstein awarded the Nobel prize? Ans: Photoelectric effect  7. What are four types of waves? Ans: Matter wave, mechanical wave, electromagnetic wave and gravitational wave 8. Write seven em waves in order decreasing wavelengths. Ans: Radio wave, Microwave, infrared wave, visible light, ultraviolet wave, x-ray, gamma ray. 9. On what fact does the electron microscope depend on? Ans: Wave nature of electron. 10. What is the energy of a single photon? Ans: It is given by E=hf          where f is the frequency of the photon. 11. How man

The Discovery of Neutron

The Discovery of Neutron: If the energetic alpha-particles emitted from Polonium fell on the light elements like berrylium,boron or lithium,a neutral radiation( radiation made of uncharged particles) was produced. Scientists thought that this new radiation could be gamma radiation but it was more powerfully penetrating than all known gamma radiations. When this radiation was passed through paraffin wax it ejected protons of very high energy (~5MeV). This observation was not in itself inconsistent with the assumed gramma ray nature of the new radiation but that interpretation of Compton scattering had a logical problem. From the energy and momentum conservation ,a gamma radiation would have to have impossibly very high energy to scatter high energy massive protons. Ettor Majorana declared that the manner in which the radiation interacted with protons required to be a new neutral particle. After hearing about these results, Chadwick performed a series of experiments showing that the gamm