
The Fundamental Way To Learn English

English has become the most recommended secondary language and is now the international language as well. It is the English which has transformed almost entire world into a new communicating and speaking environment. Without having knowledge of English and hoping to get a job or living abroad is like hoping to get diamond with a penny. So,here i am discussing some of the best and perhaps the most effective way to discern the secret of learning (rather speaking) english:😊 1. Even when you are alone, try to speak and most importantly try to think in english too. "The key to speaking english is to think in english first". For example,if you are at home your home and if no one is there around you,then whatever comes in your mind like thinking about playing with friends, try to think it in english. 2. Each time you happen to make a mistake, you should definitely improve by using internet,books or something else. Sometimes you may not notice your own mistakes because you maybe ign

Golden Notes On Gravity

      History on gravity: -> Galileo discovered that all objects, irrespective of their masses,fall towards the earth 🌎 with the same acceleration. -> One of the earliest recorded model for the planetary motion proposed by Ptolemy  about 2000 years ago was a " geocentric model" in which all celestial bodies revolved around the earth 🌍. -> In 5th A.D. Aryabhatta proposed a " Heliocentric model" in which the sun was supposed to be the centre around which all the planets were revolving. The similar model in a more definitive way was proposed by Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543) -> It was around the same time as Galileo,Tycho Brahe(1546-1601) spent his entire life recording observations of the planets with the naked eyes.His complicated data were further analysed by his assistant ' Johannes Kepler ' (1571-1640) -> The English scientist' Henry Cavendish ' determined the value of ' G' in 1798. The calculation that he made

PPT presentation for liquefaction of gases.

A tale of friction

The word friction means opposition. It is quite common word used among us in daily life.It is sometimes easy to mention it as a resistive force. I shall begin with a very simple scenario of friction (or more appropriately frictional force) which we experience almost every moment in our life. If you are walking or playing or ⚽ football, you are obviously experiencing friction; the moment you kick off the football with your foot,it experiences friction during its rolling and this frictional force acts (or oppose) the rolling motion of the football which slows it down and eventually the football comes to rest. Look at this diagram below: Now let's deep dive into the fundamental reason of slowing down of the football: There are only two fundamental forces that come into play; gravity and electromagnetic forces. The gravity (of the earth 🌎) acts everywhere on the football,on your body,on the ground and the earth itself! 

List of Equations


What are the limitations of Dimensional analysis?

Although dimensional analysis is very useful in deducing certain relations among physical quantities, it cannot lead us too far.Thus it has some limitations which are given below: 1.Dimensional analysis works only if the dependence of physical quantities is of the product type.It is not applicable to equations involving addition or subtraction.  2.The numerical constants having no dimensions cannot be deduced by this method.One has to know from somewhere else , the exact value of the constant involved in equation.  3. It does not work for the dimensionless quantities like trigonometric function,logarithmic function,etc. 4.Well! if the equation is dimensionally correct,then it doesn't still tell us whether the equation is exactly correct or not. Hope you have understood your queries!  For joining us on YouTube▶️ Subscribe

Why we can't prove the law of conservation of energy?

A conservation law is a hypothesis, based on observations and experiments. It is important to remember that a conservation law cannot be proved. It can be verified, or disproved, by experiments. An experiment whose result is in conformity with the law verifies or substantiates the law; it does not prove the law. On the other hand, a single experiment whose result goes against the law is enough to disprove it. It would be wrong to ask somebody to prove the law of conservation of energy. This law is an outcome of our experience over several centuries, and it has been found to be valid in all experiments, in mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, optics, atomic and nuclear physics, or any other area. Here's the most important thing to read: Some students feel that they can prove the conservation of mechanical energy from a body falling under gravity, by adding the kinetic and potential energies at a point and showing that it turns out to be constant. As pointed out a