
Showing posts from January, 2023

Heat and Temperature

      Heat 🥵 and Temperature 🌡️ What is heat? What is Temperature? What is thermal energy? What is the relationship between heat and temperature? These questions are quite interesting when you encounter the so called thermodynamics. So I am here to give you feel and better logical understanding of this topic. Heat:  "Heat is energy in transit" This is perhaps the best definition of heat. Let's understand the meaning of the word " transit"   ; transit means the act of being moved or carried from one place to another under ongoing physical process. It's actually the difference in temperature at two different points due to which the heat energy is said to exist there.  The heat energy is neither present in cold part nor in hot part, it is present in between them i.e., the energy that is being transferred from hot part to cold part,is the heat energy. Thus,heat is energy in transit.  Why is heat a form of energy? You know that,to boil water ,we put

Environmental disaster

      Environmental Disaster The topic that I have discussed here,is in fact,one of the most concerned topic of discussion across the globe. We all are the products of mother earth and so it's pretty important to spread the message of being aware of environmental management and catastrophe. Why do we need to care about environment if nature has given unlimited access to natural resources? Why should we talk about the management of environment? It's time to answer these questions by ourselves. Human has evolved from the time of being monkey like animal to the time of being smart human at present.Nature has always favoured the human civilization. There was time when we couldn't even go from one country to another and now we are able to roam around the world even in a day. There was time when we couldn't talk to a distant person and now we are able to talk to hundreds of people at once all across the world. There are plenty of examples that became possible thro