Environmental disaster

      Environmental Disaster

The topic that I have discussed here,is in fact,one of the most concerned topic of discussion across the globe.We all are the products of mother earth and so it's pretty important to spread the message of being aware of environmental management and catastrophe.

Why do we need to care about environment if nature has given unlimited access to natural resources? Why should we talk about the management of environment? It's time to answer these questions by ourselves.
Human has evolved from the time of being monkey like animal to the time of being smart human at present.Nature has always favoured the human civilization. There was time when we couldn't even go from one country to another and now we are able to roam around the world even in a day. There was time when we couldn't talk to a distant person and now we are able to talk to hundreds of people at once all across the world. There are plenty of examples that became possible through our creative minds and intellectual efforts.

In these developments of transport systems, telecommunication, electricity, industries and medications, we have harnessed the natural resources and converted useless to useful products. We cut trees to make papers and timber,we use coal and petroleum to make fuel and electricity power,we use natural chemicals to make medicines and clothes and so on.

It's ok to consume the natural resources as much as we want for the human welfare and  it's ok to play with the nature.
But over the passage of time,we have noticed something wrong with our techniques and exploitations. The best example is that we have developed so much interesting things from cutting trees but we have forgotten their consequences. We are now trapped in the middle of development and disasters. If we had already been so much aware about the consequences of deforestation and unlimited cutting of trees,we wouldn't have been facing the problems of ecological imbalance, extinction and global warming.
Now we are becoming aware about these things. We now notice the efforts of deforestation and unlimited cutting of trees,we observe the thinning of ozone layer and ecological imbalance. The bad consequences of deforestation have forced us to be aware. 

Not just trees and forests,coal, petroleum, environmental pollution, chemical pollution, natural disasters like storm, tornado, tsunami, chemical poisoning,etc. are some of the most important aspects of our awareness towards nature.

So that's the bad and dangerous consequences of our human civilization that have made us concern the environmental management. We are the reason of environmental catastrophe!
Thus,we need to minimize the impacts of climate change and environment degradation,we have to spread the message of consequences and management of environment,we have to go ahead of businesses and industries to save the environment. We all need to be aware about our progressive exploitation of natural resources so as to make sustainable development. 

"We the people are child of nature
Caring about the mother earth is our first duty" 

Thank you 😊


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