
Showing posts from October, 2023

The Concept Of Schrodinger Equation

 " The Concept Of Schrodinger Equation" In this blog,you are going to learn the following main topics on Schrodinger equation: 1. Short introduction of quantum mechanics. 2. What is Schrodinger equation? 3. Wave function: an introduction  4. Prerequisites to learn Schrodinger equation. 5. Solution of Schrodinger equation with a simple example. 6. Books to learn quantum mechanics. So let's begin with the short introduction of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics in which we study about the microscopic and non-classical behaviour of the particles like atoms, molecules and other quantum systems.  The particles like an electron and photons do not generally obey Newton's laws of motion or Coulomb's law of electrostatics. You know that we use Newton's equations of motion to describe the motion of a planet around the sun,in the same approach,we use an equation called Schrodinger equation to describe the motion of quantum particles like an elect