
Newton's rings experiment practical file pdf

Newton's rings experiment PDF

Numerical Questions and answers

                  Physics Numericals: Question 1. Find out the resolving power of a human eye for yellow light of wavelength 600 nm assuming an average pupil's size is 5 mm. Answer:  The resolving power of the human eye, also known as the angular resolution, refers to the smallest angle between two point sources of light that can be distinguished by the eye. It is determined by several factors, including the wavelength of the light, the size of the pupil, and the quality of the optics of the eye. The minimum angle of resolution (MAR) can be calculated using the Rayleigh criterion, which states that two point sources can be distinguished if the center of one diffraction pattern falls on the first minimum of the other diffraction pattern. The Rayleigh criterion is given by: θ = 1.22 λ/D where θ is the angular resolution in radians, λ is the wavelength of light in meters, and D is the diameter of the pupil in meters. Converting the values given in the question to SI units, we have: λ

Heat and Temperature

      Heat 🥵 and Temperature 🌡️ What is heat? What is Temperature? What is thermal energy? What is the relationship between heat and temperature? These questions are quite interesting when you encounter the so called thermodynamics. So I am here to give you feel and better logical understanding of this topic. Heat:  "Heat is energy in transit" This is perhaps the best definition of heat. Let's understand the meaning of the word " transit"   ; transit means the act of being moved or carried from one place to another under ongoing physical process. It's actually the difference in temperature at two different points due to which the heat energy is said to exist there.  The heat energy is neither present in cold part nor in hot part, it is present in between them i.e., the energy that is being transferred from hot part to cold part,is the heat energy. Thus,heat is energy in transit.  Why is heat a form of energy? You know that,to boil water ,we put

Environmental disaster

      Environmental Disaster The topic that I have discussed here,is in fact,one of the most concerned topic of discussion across the globe. We all are the products of mother earth and so it's pretty important to spread the message of being aware of environmental management and catastrophe. Why do we need to care about environment if nature has given unlimited access to natural resources? Why should we talk about the management of environment? It's time to answer these questions by ourselves. Human has evolved from the time of being monkey like animal to the time of being smart human at present.Nature has always favoured the human civilization. There was time when we couldn't even go from one country to another and now we are able to roam around the world even in a day. There was time when we couldn't talk to a distant person and now we are able to talk to hundreds of people at once all across the world. There are plenty of examples that became possible thro

Most repeated and important topics of 12th physics, chemistry and biology

How to get 90% in board exam?🤘😇 Author: scientificirfan  * Current in a circuit is somewhat analogous to the flow of water in a closed system of pipes,with gravity playing the role of the electrostatic field,and a pump(motor) as a role of battery. In this sense, height is analogous to voltage. Most important and most repeated topics in BSEB/CBSE 12th  Physics: 1. Biot-Savart law 2. Young's double slit experiment 3. Lens maker formula 4. Gauss' law of electrostatics 4. PN junction and zener diode 5. Theory of microscope and telescope 6. Logic gate and truth table 7. Huygens' theory 8. Ampere's circuital law 9. Radioactivity 10. Mutual induction  and inductor 11. Wheatstone bridge 12. Potentiometer 13. Refraction at spherical surfaces 14. Electric dipole (potential and field) 15. Defects of vision and its corrections 16. Parallel plate capacitor 17. Bohr's model of the atom  18. Types of magnetic substances 19. Total internal reflection and rainbow 20. E

Actual Meaning of Battery and EMF

    Battery and EMF :-  What is battery?   What is EMF? Let's have some feeling of these two! A battery is a device which maintains a potential difference between its two terminals A and B.    Some " internal mechanism" exerts forces on the charges of the battery material (chemical of the battery). This force drives the postive charges of the battery towards A and the negative charges towards B. The force on a positive charge q is shown as Fb.   As positive charges accumulate on A and negative charges on B, a potential difference develops and grows between A and B. An electric field E is developed from A to B and exerts a force Fe= qE on a charge q.The direction of this force is opposite to that of Fb. In steady state, Fb=Fe and so no further accumulation of charge takes place. If a charge q is taken from the terminal B to A , the work done by the battery force Fb is W=Fb(d) where d is the distance between A and B. This work per unit charge is e= W/q = Fb(d)/q

The Road To Scientific Awareness

      "Science is essential to life"  "The best thing about science is that whether you believe it or not  It doesn't matter "- N.D. Tyson Most often we are unaware of the importance of science that plays the most important role in our life. The fact is that it requires some basic knowledge and experience to know about this thing. Whether you know or not what science is, the most important thing is know how important science is in our life. The article you are reading right now, the picture you are seeing above, the phone you use,the house you live in,the medicine you get ,the AC you use,etc.  All these things became possible only because of science and it's the science that enabled us to see the invisible,to fly into sky and in space ,to see the distant stars and planets through the sophisticated and elegant inventions and discoveries of numerous instruments and techniques.  Then how can we forget and ignore the importance of science? And how ca