
Self Study Of Calculus

         SELF STUDY OF CALCULUS Calcul us is perhaps the most important topic you would ever study to understand the concepts of physics. The question is what is calculus? and why do we need to study it at all?  The answers will be provided in this article which I have written in a very lucid and straightforward way to grasp the basic knowledge of calculus and to know the correct way of advancing knowledge of calculus. The purpose of this article is not to teach whole calculus and make you fall in expectation that you will learn everything about calculus just in this single article. You have to do hard work and be curious and consistent to learn it. You will learn these following objectives in this article: 1. Introduction to calculus . 2. Prerequisites to learn calculus. 3. Basic knowledge of calculus. 4. Differential equations and their applications. 5. Integral equations and their applications. 6. Books to learn calculus. The article is not very lengthy but trust me you

The Concept Of Schrodinger Equation

 " The Concept Of Schrodinger Equation" In this blog,you are going to learn the following main topics on Schrodinger equation: 1. Short introduction of quantum mechanics. 2. What is Schrodinger equation? 3. Wave function: an introduction  4. Prerequisites to learn Schrodinger equation. 5. Solution of Schrodinger equation with a simple example. 6. Books to learn quantum mechanics. So let's begin with the short introduction of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics in which we study about the microscopic and non-classical behaviour of the particles like atoms, molecules and other quantum systems.  The particles like an electron and photons do not generally obey Newton's laws of motion or Coulomb's law of electrostatics. You know that we use Newton's equations of motion to describe the motion of a planet around the sun,in the same approach,we use an equation called Schrodinger equation to describe the motion of quantum particles like an elect

Science Awareness

        Science Awareness: What is science awareness? Science awareness is the ability to understand and appreciate the role of science in our lives. It is important for people to be aware of scientific concepts and discoveries, as well as the process of scientific inquiry. Science awareness can help people make informed decisions about their health, environment, and other important issues. Why is science awareness important? There are many reasons why science awareness is important. Here are a few: Science can help us solve problems. Science can help us make informed decisions. Science can help us understand the world around us. Science can help us appreciate the beauty of the natural world. Science can help us create a better future. How to promote science awareness There are many ways to promote science awareness. Here are a few ideas: Talk to your friends and family about science. Read science books and articles. Watch science documentaries. Visit science museums and exhibits. Volu

Quantum Supremacy

            Quantum Supremacy: Quantum Supremacy: A New Era of Computing Quantum supremacy is the goal of demonstrating that a programmable quantum device can solve a problem that no classical computer can solve in any feasible amount of time. This is a significant milestone in the development of quantum computing, as it would prove that quantum computers are capable of solving problems that are beyond the reach of classical computers. In 2019, Google announced that it had achieved quantum supremacy using a 53-qubit processor called Sycamore. Sycamore was able to solve a random sampling problem in 200 seconds that would have taken a classical supercomputer 10,000 years to solve. This was a major breakthrough in the field of quantum computing, and it has sparked a new wave of research into the potential applications of quantum computers. Quantum supremacy is not the same as quantum computing. Quantum supremacy is simply the demonstration that a quantum computer can solve a problem that

Newton's rings experiment practical file pdf

Newton's rings experiment PDF

Numerical Questions and answers

                  Physics Numericals: Question 1. Find out the resolving power of a human eye for yellow light of wavelength 600 nm assuming an average pupil's size is 5 mm. Answer:  The resolving power of the human eye, also known as the angular resolution, refers to the smallest angle between two point sources of light that can be distinguished by the eye. It is determined by several factors, including the wavelength of the light, the size of the pupil, and the quality of the optics of the eye. The minimum angle of resolution (MAR) can be calculated using the Rayleigh criterion, which states that two point sources can be distinguished if the center of one diffraction pattern falls on the first minimum of the other diffraction pattern. The Rayleigh criterion is given by: θ = 1.22 λ/D where θ is the angular resolution in radians, λ is the wavelength of light in meters, and D is the diameter of the pupil in meters. Converting the values given in the question to SI units, we have: λ

Heat and Temperature

      Heat 🥵 and Temperature 🌡️ What is heat? What is Temperature? What is thermal energy? What is the relationship between heat and temperature? These questions are quite interesting when you encounter the so called thermodynamics. So I am here to give you feel and better logical understanding of this topic. Heat:  "Heat is energy in transit" This is perhaps the best definition of heat. Let's understand the meaning of the word " transit"   ; transit means the act of being moved or carried from one place to another under ongoing physical process. It's actually the difference in temperature at two different points due to which the heat energy is said to exist there.  The heat energy is neither present in cold part nor in hot part, it is present in between them i.e., the energy that is being transferred from hot part to cold part,is the heat energy. Thus,heat is energy in transit.  Why is heat a form of energy? You know that,to boil water ,we put